Beats and Peaces from a random thought...

Monday, 18 December 2006

Auckland, gotta love it!

It's a nice place here in Auckland, despite the local council! See here and here (courtesy New Zealand Herald ). May not seem much but let's put it in context. First the heritage building is a tragic story because there just is not that much left of Auckland history to see, to the extent now that there are very little signs that Auckland has existed for more than 20 years! Of course, it's good that areas refresh themselves and reflect current practice in architecture, but there is a limit to the utter vandalism carried out in the name of progress. Secondly, the billboard thing is splitting me. It's pretty ugly in a lot of places, but on the other hand it does bring a lot of colour to somewhat drab concrete grey streets, and don't get me started on the current mania for apartment block buildings!!!! They look a lot like the picture to the left, but most have a floor area the size of a rabbit hutch....

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